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By Santhosh.B

Monday, 5 November 2012

Partitioning table and Partition Primary Index

  • Queries die many times because range queries do a full table scan, but the partitioned table never runs out of spool!.
  • In Range Query, it uses the keyword BETWEEN.
  • The BETWEEN keyword in Teradata means find everything in the range BETWEEN this date and this other date.
  • The BETWEEN statement is said to be inclusive. If someone said to me tell me what is BETWEEN the numbers 8 and 10 I would normally say, “The number 9”. 
  • In Teradata land I would be wrong because the BETWEEN statement is inclusive, so it INCLUDES the starting and ending numbers. What is BETWEEN 8 and 10? The numbers 8, 9 and 10!.
  • Partitioned tables work very well on Range Queries using the keyword BETWEEN.

Why we had to perform a Full Table Scan

  • Order_Table spread across the AMPs. Notice that two colors are color coded the January and February dates.
  • Also notice that January and February dates are mixed on every AMP in what is a random order.
  • Because the January Data is on all AMPs and because the January Dates are randomly mixed we have to do Full Table Scan.
  • We had no indexes on Order_Date so it is obvious the PE will command the AMPs to do a Full Table Scan.
  • By Partitioning the table and we can prevent the Full Table Scan.
  • We partition tables so we won’t have to do a Full Table Scan on our Range Queries.

A Partitioned Table

  • Each AMP always sorts its rows by the Row-ID in order to do a Binary Search on Primary Index queries.
  • Partitioned Table will have the AMPs first sort their rows by the Partition.
  • Rows on an AMP don’t change AMPs because the table is partitioned If the table is partitioned then the AMP will sort its rows by the partition.
  • Partitioning doesn't affect distribution. Partitioning only affects how each AMP sorts the rows they get!!!

Add the Partition to the Row-ID for the Row Key

  • A partitioned table will always add two bytes to every row as part of the Row-ID.
  • If a table is partitioned, the partition number is placed in front of the Row-ID for each row.
  • This combination of the Partition number, Row-Hash, and Uniqueness value are now called the ROW KEY.
  • Instead of sorting by the Row-ID we are merely first sorting by the Partition Number. We are really just sorting by the Row Key!
  • If a table is NOT partitioned the Partition Number is merely set to ZERO!

Partition Primary Index:-

  • Suppose we are retrieving some portion of data from table.  
  • To prevent Full table scan, we are using partitioning table.
  • In PPI we are using some keywords. Those are Range_n, Case_n ,No case,  Unknown.
  • In Range_n we can retrieve range data, between dates or between some numbers…etc.
  • In Case_n we can retrieve data by using case operations.
  • In ‘no case’ partition data will be, but the data is, which data not satisfy the case condition.
  • The table can have up to 65,535 partitions.
  • Partitioning never determines which AMP gets a row.

Multi-Level Partitioning

  • You can have up to 15 levels of partitions within partitions.
  • Partitioned Table merely tells each AMP how to sort their rows for the table.
  • So think of Multi-Level partitioning as a table with multiple sort keys. The first partition statement is how the data is sorted first. The second partition statement is the second sort key.
  • Entire purpose of partitioning is to eliminate the Full Table Scan. Instead of reading all rows in a table each AMP merely has to one or more of their partitions.

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